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Global Leader in Supplier Information
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. Please check your inbox.
Click here , If you haven't received a PIN code via email.
Important Note:
Please check you junk mail or spam to ensure that our email is not being blocked
Please add domain to your safe senders list
Your user account has now been activated. Please click on the continue button below to resume the registration process.
Please remember your login ID
and keep it in a safe place. Do not share your login ID and password with anyone.
One More Step – Personalize Your Portal!
You may change the name of your new portal in the textbox below.
Your user account has been activated
Please remember your login ID and keep it in a safe place
Do not share your Login ID with anyone
The email you provided is in already in use in the system.
You may login now to continue your registration. If you do not remember your password, use the "forgot password" function on the login page.
Otherwise, click on "close" below to change the email address in the registration form.
Are you sure you do not need to complete the invitation(s) shown? The invitation process is usually time sensitive.
First and most importantly, we realize how incredibly sensitive your Social Security Number (SSN) is, and we want to do everything to protect it for you.
IN THE EVENT THAT YOU USE YOUR SSN AS YOUR TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (this may happen if you are a sole proprietor and have not established a separate TIN for your company),
Your SSN is encrypted when we store it and we do not share your SSN anyone unless you voluntarily choose to do so in a function that requests it (e.g., when submitting a W-9).
We cannot even tell you your own SSN if you ask us for it because our staff do not have access to view it.
We appreciate your concern and will continue to do everything we can to protect your private information.
What is an Amazon Seller ID
A Seller ID, is a string of numbers usually found in the URL for your products, or your storefront.
This ID may be required to sign up for services offered by Amazon, or to create special URLs to your Amazon products.
Your Seller ID is publicly visible, and anyone can find your ID by visiting your storefront. Don’t worry about this – there’s no harm caused by someone knowing your Seller ID.
How to Find My Amazon Seller ID
The quickest way to find your Seller Name is to go to your Amazon storefront URL.
To get here, either find the link to your storefront in Seller Central, or go to one of your product listings, click the link in the "sold by" Section, then the link that says "[Seller Name] Storefront".
You’ll see two IDs in the URL: the Amazon Marketplace ID (e.g., etc), and your Seller ID. The Seller ID appears as "me=[your ID]".
To get your Seller ID, just copy the string of numbers after "me=".